Code to add a filter system to your elements inside the grids, remember to use the parameter filter=»» inside the grids
[section] [grid grid="12" class="gridoptions"] [options] [filter number="8" name="ALL" position="first"] [filter filter="filterone" name="Filter One"] [filter filter="filtertwo" name="Filter Two"] [filter filter="filterthree" name="Filter Three"] [/options] [/grid] [isotopefilter] [grid grid="4" filter="filterone"]...your content...[/grid] [grid grid="4" filter="filtertwo"]...your content...[/grid] [grid grid="4" filter="filterthree"]...your content...[/grid] [/isotopefilter] [/section] ...your content...
Parameters of the shortcodes [filter]
Parameters | Description |
[filter filter=»» | the id that yo have to insert in the filter=»» parameter of grid too |
[filter name=»» | the name that is shown on the button |
[filter position=»» | position=»first», remember to insert this parameter in the first filter (Show All) |
[filter number=»» | Parameter used in the first filter to show the number |
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